Amplía tu visita con experiencias que te conectan con la naturaleza
Los huéspedes que arriban a La Lorenza saben apreciar
lo que el paraje natural y las comodidades de la granja
les brindan. De esta manera, quedarse recostado en una
hamaca leyendo un buen libro, dormir para despojarse
por completo del cansancio citadino, sostener una
conversación tranquila con los acompañantes o
simplemente observar con atención el paisaje para
experimentar la belleza del silencio son actividades que
se dan de forma natural en La Lorenza. Sin embargo,
explorar otros espacios, dentro o fuera de la finca, es
una alternativa que les ofrecemos.

Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Taller de velas
Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Caminatas guiadas
Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Ritual chamánico
Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Circuito Spa
Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.

Eventos especiales
Description of your company, products, collections, and so on. There may be several paragraphs here.